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These books are my way of sharing with young children a colorful and fun way to appreciate things that are unique and different like the animals I present.  Ultimately, I hope, this somehow translates to acknowledging and accepting uniqueness in themselves.

Aunt Wendy's Books - Animal ABCs
Aunt Wendy's Animal Alphabet


In this first book from Aunt Wendy's Books, the letters of the alphabet are colorfully presented by animals of all shapes, sizes, and personalities.  


Some animals children have seen before but are shown here in a unique and different appearance.  Some animals may be new to children and adults.


Stay tuned for more Aunt Wendy books that deal with numbers, words, and other fun concepts.

Available in Kindle and Print versions

Aunt Wendy's Books - Animal ABCs
Aunt Wendy's Animal Numbers


In this second book from Aunt Wendy's Books, you are invited to count along with the colorful animals representing the numbers 1 through 12.  


Children will love these fun animals and will want to count them over and over again.


Stay tuned for more Aunt Wendy books that deal with words and other fun concepts.

Available in Kindle and Print versions


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© 2016 by Erik Melis. Proudly Created with


Aunt Wendy image by Kelsey Melis


Aunt Wendy's Books, LLC         PO Box 673 Haymarket, VA  20169

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